Hectic, Stressful Weekend
05.55 a.m.
I woke up in a sudden and in a blitz jumped off my bed and rushed to the evangelistic meeting's main tent; this morning's activity was to reposition everything back to their places: chairs, boards, covers, screens, return the sound system and the power supply set.
we (i, agus, and jones) finished our duties that morning by washing our sponsor's car which he lend it to us. i and agus was supposed to be a the parking lot as soon as possible because we need to go to Manado International School for the seniors' video and photo taking sessions for our DVD and Seniors Book. Darn! it was tiring. I hadn't had rest and enough meal to do such activities!! but our dudes from Siluet Production were so enthusiastic and patient to us, the exceptional children (ROFL)
we finished everything, the photo and video taking. i, then, rushed back to my room, took a quick bath and go back to manado, meeting TOpan, my friend... i waited from 5 to 7 and no answered from either both of them (topan and the wife-to-be). I decided to go back, but then they called and it made me went back to ITC... *phew* i was so extremely exhausted. topan forced me to eat Kwetiaw and fried rice and a lemon juice... i feel like a pregnant pig already.
we decided to separate. i went back, walking from ITC to Zero Point with aching legs and well-stretched belly/
i arrived to my room, met harist and talked for a while
downloading stuff to be presented tomorrow at the seniors meeting at 17.00
life is pathetic but unpredictable
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