Found a little nice program to edit pictures. it wasn't photoshop, anyway, but it made some cool editing just like photoshop does. i tried to trippin around with the software and found out that i made my own picture funny and embarrassing.

i looked at my edited picture and talked to myself what a funny face with a chinese eyes and rabbit teeth plus a granddad's cheeks.

i, then realize that people can no more be trusted in the internet. sometimes we can just "edit" our own personality in order to look cool and gorgeous in front of other online users.

Many people just don't want people to know the real them that they begin to transform themselves into a fake perfect-person. Some utilizes their profiles on Friendster with convincing status and jobs, well-known high school or college. However, they are back to what they are when the connection to the net is shut down.

It's hard, nowadays, to find persons who are showing their own faces and personality. It's hard to find persons with good credibility to put our trusts to. Can we be the part of the small portion of that kind of persons?
