
Showing posts from July, 2008

Liburan Kampus

Biasanya orang-orang tuh kalo liburan pasti pergi ke tempat-tempat hiburan ato ke rumah sodara-sodara (biarpun mereka pasti tau kalo ke rumah sodara pasti akan ngeluarin biaya lebih mahal lagi ketimbang ke tempat-tempat wisata karena PASTI, mau ga mau, mereka harus beliin oleh-oleh buat orang-orang yang dikunjungi) untuk ngilangin kepenatan selama kerjaan satu semester ini. ya iyalah, orang itu harus keluar dari tempat kerja/kuliah/sekolah mereka biar perasaan suntuk yang udah ditabung selama satu semester (setidaknya dari Januari lah) dibuang jauh-jauh dan siap-siap semuanya (tenaga, kreatifitas, ato duit ato branded stuff) untuk menyambut periode baru... tapi nggak buat gua. Gua harus tetep tinggal di universitas bapuk ini untuk nyari duit. emang sih di sini gua harus kerja tiap hari, mulai jam 8 dan pulang sore-sore banget, tapi gua justru nggak ngerasa ini siksaan fisik karena harus kerja... ya namanya juga nyari duit, ya harus gini.. Justru ada beberapa hal yang gua nggak dapet di...

The Mask We Wear

As I have traveled through life, I have picked up the most extensive collection of masks, so as to hide who I am from the world. Healing is about taking the masks off and letting those you interact with see you for who and what you are, a human being with all the aspects of being human a part of you. This means not only the good things about being human, but also those characteristics which we are told are not desirable to show to the world. When we come into this world we come in whole, human to the core, with no pretence, no prejudices towards self or others. As we grow, we learn from those around us that there are parts of us that we should deny, parts of being human get locked away and the key gets tossed out the window. Well meaning relatives and friends let us know what about us makes them feel uncomfortable, and we learn not to act that way around them, to lock that part of ourselves away, as it is undesirable. Soon there are many human experiences and feelings that we miss simp...

To All who Feel Stress and Discouraged

Many times we feel stressed, discouraged, or sometimes we feel that these problems in the world are too hard for us to bear and you cannot bear it anymore. Well, I want you to take a look at this.... I want to take a look at kinds of fish on earth. First one is fish that live in the sea. This kind of fish can live peacefully although they have to find their own food in order to survive. They have nothing to fear but sailors and fishermen. Second one is fish that live in the Aquariums. This kind of fish really live peacefully and very happily. They don't need to worry about food, they don't have anything to be feared of, they just swim around their "luxury apartment" in the aquarium. The third one is fish that live in the rivers. This kind of fish has to deal with many things that are sometimes dangerous. They have to fight against the flow of the river. They have to find their own food, and the worst of all.... they have to do this EVERYDAY.... So, what is the applica...

Warning for you, GIRLS

Telah beredar sebuah obat baru yang bernama Progesterex (you may check the Internet for the availability). Obat ini adalah pil kecil yang digunakan untuk mensterilisasi. Obat ini sekarang dipakai oleh para pemerkosa pada perayaan pesta, pub, discotheque untuk memperkosa dan mensterilisasi korbannya. Penyidik telah mengecek status obat ini pada beberapa site di Internet seperti yang dilampirkan di bawah ini, sengaja dilampirkan biar kalian mengecek kebenarannya). http://www.snopes . com/toxins/progest.html Progesterex pada dasarnya dijual pada beberapa dokter hewan dan toko binatang, dan digunakan untuk mensterilkan hewan besar. Obat ini biasanya digunakan bersamaan dengan Rohypnol (Roofies) semacam obat bius pembeliannya harus menggunakan resep dokter (tahu sendiri di negara yg ter'cinta' Indonesia, you have money you can buy almost everything). Ro...

Lagu Sesat

Anda tahu kenapa Indonesia tidak menjadi negara maju? Karena rakyat Indonesia sejak dini sudah didoktrin dengan lagu2 yang tidak bermutu & mengandung banyak kesalahan, mengajarkan kerancuan, dan menurunkan motivasi. mari kita buktikan : ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ "Balonku ada 5... rupa-rupa warnanya... merah, kuning, kelabu.. merah muda dan biru... meletus balon hijau, dorrrr!!!" Perhatikan warna-warna kelima balon tsb, kenapa tiba2 muncul warna hijau? Jadi jumlah balon sebenarnya ada 6, bukan 5 ! -:) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ "Aku seorang kapiten... mempunyai pedang panjang...kalo berjalan prok..prok.. prok... aku seorang kapiten!" Perhatikan di bait pertama dia cerita tentang pedangnya, tapi di baitkedua dia cerita tentang sepatunya (inkonsistensi) Harusnya dia tetap konsisten, misal jika ingin cerita tentang sepatunya seharusnya dia bernyanyi : "mempunyai sepatu baja (bukan pedang panjang).. kalo berjalan prok..prok.. prok...


Hu's On First? by James Sherman "Hu's On First?" is a takeoff on Abbott & Costello's "Who's On First?." Playwright Jim Sherman wrote this after Hu Jintao was named chief of the Communist Party in China in November 2002. (We take you now to the Oval Office.) George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening? Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China. George: Great. Lay it on me. Condi: Hu is the new leader of China. George: That's what I want to know. Condi: That's what I'm telling you. George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China? Condi: Yes. George: I mean the fellow's name. Condi: Hu. George: The guy in China. Condi: Hu. George: The new leader of China. Condi: Hu. George: The Chinaman! Condi: Hu is leading China. George: Now whaddya' asking me for? Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China. George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China? Condi: That's t...

Puisi Cinta Orang Akuntansi

Puisi Cinta Orang Accounting - Indonesia Wahai belahan jiwaku... Debetlah cintaku di neraca hatimu Kan ku jurnal setiap transaksi rindumu Hingga setebal Laporan Keuanganku Wahai kekasih hatiku... Jadikan aku manager investasi cintamu Kan ku hedging kasih dan sayangmu Di setiap lembaran portofolio hatiku Bila masa jatuh tempo tlah tiba Jangan kau retur kenangan indah kita Biarlah ia bersemayam di Reksadana asmara Berkelana di antara Aktiva dan Passiva Wahai mutiara kalbu ku Hanya kau lah Master Budget hatiku Inventory cintaku yang syahdu General Ledger ku yang tak lekang ditelan waktu Wahai bidadariku. Rekonsiliasikanlah hatiku dan hatimu Seimbangkanlah neraca saldo kita Yang membalut laporan laba rugi kita Dan cerahkanlah laporan arus kas kita selamanya.

How Important English Is

Gold Robby most love,………. (Mas Robby tercinta……) With this letter I want to give know you…(dengan surat ini saya ingin memberi tahu kepadamu) I have think this very cook cook, I want to cut connection of us…(Saya sudah memikirkan ini sangat masak-masak, saya mau memutuskan hubungan kita) I have wait you night-night, until enter wind and my body not delicious…(Saya menunggumu bermalam-malam, sampai masuk angin dan badanku tidak enak) I know my love only clap half hand…(Saya tahu cinta saya hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan) Corectly, I have see you with eye head myself, that you go with woman entertainment…(Sebenarnya, saya sudah lihat dengan mata kepala saya sendiri kamu pergi dengan wanita penghibur) You always ask apology back back river, with water eye crocodile of you…(Kamu selalu minta ma’af ber ulang ulang kali, dengan air mata buaya mu) But my friend speak you always play fire, and you correct correct a man crocodile land…(Tetapi teman saya bilang kamu selalu main api, dan kamu bena...
Found a little nice program to edit pictures. it wasn't photoshop, anyway, but it made some cool editing just like photoshop does. i tried to trippin around with the software and found out that i made my own picture funny and embarrassing. i looked at my edited picture and talked to myself what a funny face with a chinese eyes and rabbit teeth plus a granddad's cheeks. i, then realize that people can no more be trusted in the internet. sometimes we can just "edit" our own personality in order to look cool and gorgeous in front of other online users. Many people just don't want people to know the real them that they begin to transform themselves into a fake perfect-person. Some utilizes their profiles on Friendster with convincing status and jobs, well-known high school or college. However, they are back to what they are when the connection to the net is shut down. It's hard, nowadays, to find persons who are showing their own faces and personality. It's ha...